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Ian Wright says ‘Manchester City will be dancing’ after Everton win points appeal

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Man City will be ‘dancing’ according to Ian Wright (Photo: Getty / YouTube)

The Premier League have put themselves in an ’embarrassing and ridiculous situation’ after Everton successfully appealed their 10-point deduction, according to Arsenal legend Ian Wright.

Everton were deducted 10 points for breaking the league’s spending rules back in November – the biggest points penalty in top-flight history.

However, the Toffees appealed the penalty and earlier this week it was reduced to just six points, which has greatly increased the club’s chances of avoiding relegation this season.

This has all come at a time when Manchester City are being investigated for 115 breaches of financial regulations.

If found guilty, there has been much speculation over what punishment the treble winners could receive, with the possibility of getting relegated down the EFL a very real one.

But Wright is concerned that the recent events surrounding Everton have undermined the Premier League and will only play into City’s hands, who are confident they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

‘The Premier League made a mistake on two of the charges,’ the former striker said on the Stick to Football podcast, brought to you by Sky Bet.

Everton are now 15th in the table, five points above the relegation zone (Photo: Getty)

‘If you’ve got people who are doing that job, and they’ve got nine to look over or whatever it is, and they get them wrong to the point where they’ve got to give points back – what are Manchester City’s lawyers going to do to people like this?

‘They are going to have them dancing! It’s ridiculous how they can get that wrong.

‘What I think they should have done, personally what should have happened is, they should do what they are doing, “right, we are fining you, you are going to get 10 points”, and then they [Everton] say, “right, we are going to appeal”.

‘Let them appeal, then we find out what’s going to happen after the appeal, then you do the judgement. How are you going to do it before? Because now, you get into this embarrassing situation.’

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Fellow pundit and Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher has some sympathy with the Premier League, saying: It’s never happened before, this is the first time a team has been fined for this, so no one really knows what the right punishment should be.

‘This is interesting in that, the reason there isn’t an actual deterrent for this. If you know the sentence for a crime you’re going to commit, you might look at it and go, “it might be worth it” – if we spend a bit more money and we stay up, we’d take that.

‘The whole point of the Premier League not having a sanction in place was to almost scare, or almost put people off from breaking the rules, because we don’t know what the actual sanction is.’

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